Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January Update

We've had a busy couple of months.

NOVEMBER: This was a big fundraising month for us. The scouts were busy with the 'Rent a Scout' program and selling HyVee coupon books. These helped raise the final amounts needed to book the airline tickets.

DECEMBER: We were able to finalize all of the airline reservations. We're taking Delta from KC to Akron but the rest of our flights will be with Southwest. They had great rates and their group travel department was fabulous to work with. SWA did donate 20 tickets to the trip so if there was another airline out there offering a seat for a few dollars less, we kept our loyalty with SWA.
It took Major Bob's help to get us lodging in DC.

Today we finalized our last lodging. We received confirmation of our duplex at Camp Rilea and reserved a big cabin near Portland for the first night. It's going to be beautiful!!

Tomorrow we have our parent meeting. We still need to raise ~ $5300 or put a payment plan together. In May this was a $23,000 trip. We've been able to find enough bargains, airfares have dropped and we've worked to get some really nice deals from some really nice folks to have the costs drop to $16,700. And out of that we only need to raise $5300..we're doing great!! We're still hoping that Wal-Mart and Harley Davidson come thru with nice donations. We should get those updates within the next 6-8 weeks. The parents will be putting together fundraisers for January - May, I'll post those as the information is provided.

Many thanks to everyone who is helping make this trip a possibility!!!