Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Applebee's update

The Applebee's fundraisers went really well...especially the pancake breakfast. We had budgeted 2 fundraisers there - one before school and one in the spring - and we thought we'd make $600 combined.
How wrong we were...pleasantly so!!
Over the last 2 weeks we sold 114 tickets for the pancake breakfast on Sat. and we handed out 300 flyers on the Dining to Donate on Sun. Between both days we raised just over $800!! With some luck we'll be putting the extra 'over budget' money and the money from the one we'll do in the spring towards the SPL planned 'fun events' while we're traveling.

The guys really hustled and made this a huge success. Thanks to the parents for helping out on Saturday also!!
Many thanks to all of you who purchased tickets, gave donations and dined at Applebee's this weekend!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


What a nerve-racking week it has been for the guys!! Evan, David & Danny all went to St. Luke's Episcopal Church on Sunday to announce to the congregation our plans for this trip. They were so supportive in 2008 that we wanted them to be the first ones we made our BIG announcement to.

This morning Danny and Evan and I drove up to Mimi's in Zona Rosa to discuss our plans with the Club North executives. What a great bunch of people!! They were sooo nice to us - very patient and understanding when we made our way thru our presentation. Thanks to Al and Mary for working with us to organize this presentation. Everyone was very supportive and excited to see what we are doing.

We were thrilled to hear of so many people who only fly SWA --- and they were thrilled to hear that SWA supports activities such as ours!! Good stuff.

Pancake breakfast this Saturday and Sunday is the day that we will receive 10% of your receipts. Eat at APPLEBEE'S IN SHAWNEE!!! mmmm...more good stuff!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Update on Fundraisers

We've been out selling tickets for 2 days now and have already raised $143. We have 3 more nights of ticket sales scheduled and of course the scouts are selling them to their friends, family and neighbors.

We are also dropping off fliers about the Dining To Donate at Applebees on the 16th. Applebee's will donate 10% of your bill to us for everyone who walks in with one of these fliers on the 16th. I've attached a flier to this post, hoping you'll be able to print it out and take it with you to Applebee's in Shawnee on 8/16.

We've also found a few ads on Craigslist...folks wanting manual labor. We're scheduled to go out to a farm on Sunday to put in a bid for cleaning up a tree line. This is the stuff that our troop is really good at. The scouts would rather put in a hard days work than go door to door selling something. Wish us luck!!

to print the flier, first save to your hard-drive and then print.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Let the Fundraising begin!

August is our official kick off month.

We will be starting off with 2 Applebee's fundraisers.
1. Pancake Breakfast August 15 8AM - 10AM
Tickets are $5 each. We will be selling these door to door throughout the neighborhoods around St. Luke's Episcopal Church. If you would like to purchase a ticket please leave a comment with your contact information and we'll get one to you.

2. Dining to Donate - August 16
If you dine at our Applebee's at any time on 8/16 10% of your purchase will be donated to our troop. You MUST turn in a flier with your order or else we will not be credited for your purchase. A copy of the flier will be posted on this blog within the next day or two. If you need something sooner, leave a comment and we'll send you a flier via email.

Both of these are at the Shawnee Applebee's located between Nieman and Quivira on Shawnee Mission Parkway.

We have also posted an ad on Craigslist looking for any manual labor types of projects. Hauling brush, cleaning up a construction site, tearing down office cubicles, etc.

Remember those Gold Books? We will be selling an e-version of those. We will have a 'Scout Card' that will have you log into a website where you will be able to print off coupons or find out about discounts for various stores in our area. We're looking at this fundraiser for September or October.

If any of these items interest you, please leave us a comment with your contact information and we'll get in touch with you right away.